Clinical Professor
Department of Biomedical Sciences
(414) 288-4601
Dr. Makky is a clinical associate professor, director of the Marquette University Sterilzer Monitoring Service and the director of the Molecular and Cellular Research Core. The Core is a collaborative research facility involved in assisting with the molecular aspects of ongoing research projects in the department.
Currently Dr. Makky is teaching several populations of students. In the fall and spring, she teaches Human and Applied Medical Genetics for undergraduate, graduate and physician assistant students. In the spring, she teaches in the Neurobiology of Moral Behavior course at the undergraduate level. When she is not in the classroom, she is training the graduate students at the Molecular Research Core.
Dr. Makky received her Masters degree in Biomedical Sciences from Northeastern University in Boston; and her PhD. in Biochemistry from the Medical College of Wisconsin. Prior to joining the faculty at Marquette, Dr. Makky spent time in developmental research as a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Pediatrics at MCW. In addition she was an adjunct lecturer at Carroll University teaching different courses including Developmental Biology and Immunology.
Dr. Makky has presented her work on molecular pathways that regulate intestinal development at multiple meetings and has received awards for outstanding research at a national level. Find more information about Dr. Makky's research. In 2017, Dr. Makky and colleagues were named the recipients of the Way Klingler Teaching Enhancement Award for their project entitled “A Community of Practice to Infuse High Impact Practices Across the Curriculum.”
Dr. Makky brings her knowledge and expertise in biochemistry and molecular biology research as well as her passion for teaching to Marquette University and will focus her efforts on advancing multiple techniques at the molecular core.